Monday, February 20, 2012


Jesus said
Here I stand
Won't you please let me in
And you said, I will tomorrow
Jesus said I am he
Who supplies all your needs
And you said
I know but tomorrow
I'll give my life tomorrow
I thought about today
But it's so much easier to say
Who promised you tomorrow
Better choose the Lord today
For tomorrow very well
Might be today........

Love this song. We used this song for play in my youth group a long time ago. So powerful!!!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My Mama

Today’s post is about my mama! Check out the picture below of her graduation night for her Master’s Degree.

Not many people know but my mommy went back to college to finish her degree at the age of 39. When I started college at IU she enrolled the second semester of my first year at the same college! From time to time I would see her walking around on campus and almost all the time I was with my friends. I would introduce them and they would be so surprised: 1) because she looked so young and 2) because she was in undergrad with me!!! LOL! It was a lot of fun for me. I was so happy to her see go back and accomplish something she desired. She inspires me so much! What a rockin mama.

Friday, January 27, 2012

I love Pinterest

Okay so I have just figured out how to use Pinterest well and I am so happy. I keep finding so many creative things to try. This website is addictive. I could pinterest all day long. LOL! I also found this wonderful blog on pinterest that I am currently follow. It is called Babymankingmachine. It is wonderful. I recently got an idea from this blog to create 365 love letters for my little boy.

You begin by taking pictures each day and then writing a little note on the picture. It is so cool I am going to do this ASAP. I just need to buy a new camera!!!! Below is an example. I love this

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Girlie side of Things

OKAY!!! So my last post I mentioned that Seth and I are having a baby girl. YAY! Ever since we found out I have been excited to look at girl clothes and things but never did. Today I went on Pinterest and found the most adorable pictures of newborn baby girls and girl clothes. EVERYTHING GIRLIE!!!! Let's just say I am going to have so much fun with my baby girl. I come from a family of all girls so I am very familiar with little ladies. My extended family is girl dominated by far so my little cupcake will fit right in.

A while ago is was combing Dre's hair and thinking about all the cute styles I could do if he was girl. LOL! I thought to myself. I need a little girl so I can do some hair. Who would have thought 7 months later I would be pregnant with a little girl.

I love looking a pictures of little girls doing each others hair. That was so me when I was young. I had to do both my sisters and my cousins hair all the time. I guess my mom and aunts thought with that many girls they needed to split up the duties. LOL!

Enjoy the pictures I repined from Pinterest.I am totally into the "Girlie side of things" now.

Friday, January 13, 2012

I've logged back into the Matrix!!

Hello Bloggers. It has been a while since I have written anything. I wonder sometimes who actually reads this. My guess is no one but that's okay. LOL! Doing this blog for me is just to capture moments throughout my life. Maybe one day I will take all my posts and give them to my kids when they are older.

Anyway what has happened......Well little Dre is about two years old now and growing. He is such a joy. My little boy is just talking up a storm right now. We went home to visit my family over Christmas, and it was there that he just started putting phrases together and talking. I love it.

We have also been busy growing our family. I found out I was pregnant in September with our second child. On Wednesday we found out we were having a girl!!!!!! I am so excited. I thought we were having a boy at first but I was wrong. I can't wait to buy something pink!!!!

This May Seth will be graduating from undergrad. I can't believe it. These 4 years have gone by so fast. I pray the next 2 1/2 years of grad school goes just as fast. :-) God has really been taking care of us through this time. I am truly thankful for his blessing and provision for our family. Believing for scholarships and grants for grad school!!!

Okay I have been all over the place with my thoughts!. Whew!!!! I will be blogging a lot more in the future. I have so much to catch up on. Until then toodles!!!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

30 is Right Around the Corner!!!!

I can't believe it but in 13 days I will be 30 years old! When I was young I use to think that 30 was soooooo old. Now that it is creeping up on me that thought has been demolished. I'm just getting started!!! I have so much life ahead of me. I'm just enjoying the ride!!

My husband and I are planning a little get together for my birthday. Whoop Whoop! I told him all I want is crab legs and a get together with some of our friends. So far the plans are in full effect.

30 is going to be a great year I'm just embracing it. The best is truly yet to come!!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I'm Back!!!

It has been forever since I have blogged. Lots of things have happened since then. My baby Dre turned 1 year old and is getting so big. I love him so. He has such a fun personality. Seth is moving along in school. He is still on track to graduate in 4 years and then grad school. Just 4 more years total and he will be done. With Seth in school it has been very challenging at times trying to balance everything but I am learning how to be positive and enjoy our process. I know one day we will look back at all of this and just and laugh and reflect on how we made it threw. God is good and he continues to take care of us. I have so much to talk about I just can't write it all in one blog, so I will write another entry later on. Tell then smooches!!!!!